Common grounds
Common grounds
"Common grounds" seems pointless to describe. We all need a sense of security to thrive, a safe place gives you that feeling, a common ground is neccesary to discuss.
Sometimes very difficult to obtain, the fact remains that a place within, devoid of pettiness is vital to the proper functioning of a person, of a society. You will find something to make a fire, surely fishing lines lying around, in short, to cover the essential needs in peace.
There are always traces of humans ... the opposite would be surprising. People who know this place will surely recognize this place, a magnificent view of the barachois, sheltered from the wind. A very classic framing, a classic print very well balanced according to me.
The prints are made on fiberbase Ilford paper. I used the bromophen to give a slightly warm tone to the prints. Each print is signed on the back and is accompanied by a certificate of authenticity. The paper size is 11x11 inches and the image is 10x10.
Prices of prints
First edition
- $80 (sold)
- $90
- $100