
C'est Parti

It's ON!

I finally got my space, an art gallery dedicated to film photography. It feels good to have his own space after making I don't know how many exhibits around the...


It's ON!

I finally got my space, an art gallery dedicated to film photography. It feels good to have his own space after making I don't know how many exhibits around the...

Encore quelques jours...

Still a few days...

Well, the exhibition area is almost ready!Can't wait to put up the artwork!


Still a few days...

Well, the exhibition area is almost ready!Can't wait to put up the artwork!

Archives RNC 2004

NCR Archives 2004

I was doing some cleaning in my archives and I fell on that photo... This photograph was never publish, the editors back then didn't even looked at it, but I...

NCR Archives 2004

I was doing some cleaning in my archives and I fell on that photo... This photograph was never publish, the editors back then didn't even looked at it, but I...

Ré-ouverture, nouvelle adresse, nouveaux services!

Re-Opening, new location, new services!

The silver laboratory service is now in operation. Whether you want to return to film photography or are a hipster, you will have a photo laboratory capable of supporting you...

Re-Opening, new location, new services!

The silver laboratory service is now in operation. Whether you want to return to film photography or are a hipster, you will have a photo laboratory capable of supporting you...